domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Exercise week 2 - Describe 3 products of the bank

Exerc Describe 3 products of the bank

The credit card is a plastic card with a magnetic strip, a microchip and a number in relief. It is issued by a bank or financial institution that authorizes the person to whom it is issued, using it as payment in business attached to the system, by signing and displaying the card.Among the best known of the market are: Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Diners Club, JCB, Discover, among others. Large stores and warehouses of the world also issue credit cards to its customers.Users have limits on the amount they can charge, but is not required to pay the full amount each month. Instead, the balance (or "revolving") accrues interest. You can make only a minimum payment and pay interest on the outstanding balance. If you pay in full, no interest is paid.The biggest advantage is the flexibility it gives the user, who can pay their balances in full on your monthly due date or pay a part. The board sets the minimum payment and finance charges determined for the outstanding balance. Credit cards can also be used at ATMs or use a bank for a cash advance but, unlike debit cards, interest is charged by the provision, commission and, in some countries, a tax because it is a loan.

A check (anglicized check or check) is a valuable document in which the person is authorized to withdraw money from an account (for example, the owner), extends to another person an authorization to withdraw a certain amount of money their own, without the presence of bank account holder.Legally, the check is a security to order or bearer form and abstract by which a person, called the drawer, ordered unconditionally to a lender that is delivered, the payment on demand of a sum of money for a third person named beneficiary.

An appropriation is the transfer of possession of goods of its owner, called the Client or consignor, another person, called the broker or consignee, who becomes an agent of that for the purposes of selling goods. The provision is a surrender in trust, and relationships established between the consignor and consignee that correspond to the commercial law are studied as a deposit and agency.

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