sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

Mind Map of Effective Presentation Skills

Exercise Grammar

China outsourcing

Current situations of the industries in China’s domestic market 
We can see from the following two charts that in China outsourcing enjoys the highest degree of acceptance in finance, information technology, manufacturing and telecommunications industries. The outsourcing businesses in these industries are mainly concentrated in technology support and software development of the ITO category and data centers and call centers that belong to BPO business operations. Besides, transportation, retail / trade and public utilities industries also show relatively great willingness to accept outsourcing. These industries will become a new direction for the future development of China’s outsourcing industry.
Chart 1-7 Distribution of outsourcing demand in China’s different industries, 2008
Data source: 
CSIP2008 white paper on China’s software and information outsourcing industry and analysis conducted by Ernst & Young
Chart 1-8 Acceptance degrees of different industries for outsourcing in China 
Data source: 
CSIP2008 white paper on China’s software and information outsourcing industry and analysis conducted by Ernst & Young
Finance, information technology, manufacturing, and telecommunications industries that show higher degrees of acceptance for outsourcing have an important feature in common, i.e. their internationalization levels are higher. The internationalization level here is mainly decided by the following several factors: perfection degree of infrastructure, sophistication level of enterprise management philosophy, segmentation degree of business process and the degree of impact  it may receive from the international market. It is precisely because of the impact of internationalization that forces enterprises to learn advanced experience from their rivals, the process of which is in itself a process of enterprises going further towards internationalization. Comparatively speaking, the impact of domestic competition on enterprises is much weaker.


Colombia: cultured and  Cosmopolitan

Colombians love the good life in our cities and manifests a dynamic culture, in line with international trends. This is indicated by the International Film Festival and the Hay Festival, the Festival de Teatro de Manizales, the International Book Fair and the Festival de Jazz de Bogota, the International Poetry Festival of Medellín. Our capital cities are in the circuits of the best DJs in the world. Our museums have significant collections of world art, fashion events have an excellent reputation worldwide and proliferate gay nightclubs and fine restaurants.

The academic excellence of our colleges and universities and the p resence of hospitals with
high-tech equipment, staffed by international specialists, are increasingly attracting foreign visitors. The physical infrastructure of large cities has been modernized with efficient mass transportation systems, wide boulevards and large parks that provide a natural lung for the enjoyment of all.

Colombia: The country of creators and parties
Colombian music has enormous variety. The Andean region, of Hispanic heritage, is based on the tones of the guitar, tiple, and the mandolin, but south of the country is enriched with flutes and drums of the oboes.

In all regions, the joy of the Colombian people is evident in its festivals, fairs, carnivals and festivals.
On the Caribbean coast has been imposed for decades vallenato on ancestral rhythms like cumbia and bullerengue and Santa Marta, Barranquilla and Cartagena champeta gain strength and reggaeton.

Afro Pacific region, with its currulao and Alabao, bases its strength on drums and marimba, with a melancholy tone of Indian origin. Indigenous groups in the Amazon have flutes

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011



Inflation is the continued growth and general price of goods and services and productive factors in an economy over time.

Other definitions explain how the persistent upward movement in the general level of prices and declining purchasing power of money.

Inflation in February stood at

In February, consumer price index grew by 0.60%, 0.23 percentage points higher than in the same month of 2010 when it reached 0.83%. This was announced on Saturday the National Statistics Department (DANE)

The increases have been generated by different factors, but principally by the late winter of last year and the rainy season began in mid-February to register this year, and could be extended until June.
The increases occurred despite the adjustment of gasoline prices took effect in March.

Between March 2010 and February 2011, ie the last twelve months, the IPC showed a variation of 3.17%. The groups of goods and services that further increase occurred in the first month of the year were education (4.17%), food (0.66%) and health (0.60%). By contrast, those who had less variation in the month of January were fun (-0.14), apparel (-0.10%) and communications (0.04%).